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Two Things To Consider After Completing Live Hard By Andy Frisella

Let’s get a couple of things out of the way first…

Live Hard is a year-long mental toughness program developed by Andy Frisella.

In this program, you must complete 4 challenges within 12 months starting with the 75 Hard Challenge.

As I chat with fellow Personal Development Junkies who actually enjoy IMPLEMENTING….this question always comes up:

What should I do after completing Live Hard?

Seriously, imagine living a whole year creating an insane amount of momentum through this program and not knowing where to go next…

For me, as I hit the middle of Phase 2 I knew I needed a plan to keep up the momentum after the challenge.

Here are 2 things that helped me in the months-to-years following Live Hard:

  1. The daily Power List is non-negotiable – If I do not write in it, I write the date – leave it blank – and take a big fat “L” for the day. Honestly, having blanks in your power list makes you so much more accountable.
  2. Include at least 3 tasks from any of the Live Hard Program requirements in your daily task list – until they become an absolute habit. For example, maybe one day you have Gallon of water, 45 Minute Workout and Random Act of Kindness & another day it might look like a Progress Picture, 45 Minute Workout and Talking to a Stranger.

Honestly, your ability to succeed is going to DEPEND upon your ability to stay consistent over time, so DECIDE to implement systems and processes that allow you to succeed.

If you need a really great resource for Navigating 75 Hard or Live Hard, check out the Double Dot Theory on Instagram. She created a great resource to help you not only complete the challenge, but really get the most out of it! I loved the ideas about visualization, because for me I needed ideas for what to think about and that really seemed to get the juices flowing!


If you are looking for a simple overview of the 75 Hard or Live Hard Program, check out the Personal Development Challenges tab for other great resources.