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What Happens When You Take The Double Dot Theory Challenge?

Let’s get the who – what – where – when – and – why out of the way first…

The Double Dot Theory Challenge is a simple 30-day challenge that helps you learn the skills you need to be able to achieve your goals:

Who: Personal Development Junkies

What: During this challenge you use your disposable time to learn about just one thing. Here’s what that might look like…Maybe you have a goal of “Starting a Podcast” and you have broken that big goal into skills you need to learn like “Audio Editing,” “Hosting Guest Interviews” or even “Storytelling.” You would pick just one of those skills for your first challenge.

Where: This is the best part….you only have to do this challenge in your DISPOSABLE TIME

When: You can start the challenge at any time and it will last for 30 days (Tip: I like to put a reminder in my phone for when my challenge is complete)

Why: Personal Development Junkies who take this challenge do so because you see the VALUE in not only breaking your goals into skills you need to learn, but using a proven process to learn each of those skills.

Now that we’ve gotten the nitty gritty out of the way, let me tell you about the shift that happens once you’ve taken a few Double Dot Theory Challenges…

It’s like you take on a whole new identity because you realize you can ACTUALLY achieve your goals.

You can finally see the roadmap to make your dreams a reality & then you start truly living the Theorist Mantra….P.S. Theorists are what they call personal development junkies who complete the Double Dot Theory Challenge

Want a peek at the Theorist Mantra? Check it out…

Theorist Mantra


I’m not your average personal development junkie

I possess the drive, endurance and tenacity to BUILD a life I am PROUD of

I will not stop when I STUMBLE because I DESPISE the STAGNANT, breed CONTENTMENT and wake up every day HUNGRY to live a life of intention.


Do you think you would take the Double Dot Theory Challenge? Let me know in the comments!

Quick Guide to Starting your first double dot theory challenge
Make that big shift from goal setter to goal getter

The BEST way to get started is to grab the free Quick Guide To Starting Your First Double Dot Theory Challenge…I’ll link it below because it is a game changer!
